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Teacher's training-TD

We have conducted the annual teachers’ training for instructors at the pre-school institution and secondary schools who teach the intellectual development classes. The teachers trained have been awarded formal teaching certificates for IQ and TS classes, and they are capable to teach these training at their working places and schools through made the contract with our IQ Center. 

The training of “Intellectual development-IQ and “Thinking Skill” have had the teaching manual for each level composed of:

  • Exercise Questions & Responses  

  • Training curriculum 

  • Methodological recommendations 

  • 14 hours DVD classes for teaching methods since 2016-2017 Academic Year respectively.


The teachers awarded with teaching certificates are capable of conducting IQ and TS classes at their grades and schools through signed the contract with the NGO.   

Онлайн сургалт

2022 оны II улирлаас эхлэн IQ хичээл заах эрхийн сургалт 100% онлайн болж багш та хүссэн газраасаа, цаг хугацаа хамаарахгүй суралцах боломжтой боллоо.

2022-2023 оны хичээлийн жилд нийт 301 багш амжилттай суралцаж багшлах эрхийн сертификатаа хүлээн авсан байна.

Дөлгөөн Г - 2023-03-31  сертификат.jpg
bagsh taniltsuulga.png

Дээрх холбоосоор нэвтрэн орж сургалтад бүртгүүлээрэй. Танд амжилт хүсье.

Girl with Bookshelves_edited.jpg

7th floor, Grand office center, Jamiyan Gun Str-128 UB-14240, Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia




Улаанбаатар хот, Сүхбаатар дүүрэг, 1-р хороо, Жамъян гүний гудамж 12, Гранд Оффис центр, 72 тоот.






Амжилттай илгээгдлээ.

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